Thursday, January 29, 2009

Covet a Covey!

Okay!! So you know when you go to a store and you see somthing amazing! And you pretty much HAVE to HAVE it!! well When I seen this that is exactly what happend! It is pretty amazing! I call it my mini breifcase! It has fold away handles (like a purse) and all the form of a day planner with a combination of stuff for the business man..ONLY it is super sleek and the colours totally scream business WOMAN!! It comes in pink and plain black to. There is somthing to be said about a person who has good penmanship and likes to write things down in one main center for them to find... No recharging batteries or bad connections or lost data, just me and my pen, reunited!

But the best thing about it is it's a franklin covey.....OOOOO la la Palm pilot eat my dust! (that is if I actually owned one!! )


now I bet you want one too!! They can be bought at walmart for $27 and some change!

1 comment:

Dick Family said...

OHHHHH, nice!!! I love it! I love your collage too...and your business card!!!