Monday, November 24, 2008

X-BOX 360

Okay so many of you know already that we have one of these, Bringers of Joy in our lives. And to some extent it is really awesome. But not being much for video games other than Mario (because we go way back Mario and I..since the first Nintendo, I owe it to him to stay friends) I haven't really dabbled into the world of x-box all that much.

Until NOW that is Layton has taken to this like he has everything new in his life...OBSESSIVELY!

He is crazy...the first thing out of his mouth is x-box in the morning...the second if you were wondering is "Is it Christmas yet?"

The really sad part is, that he is already better than me!

Now for Tana

She is SO whinny right now, I think it is because of her cold. She is such a baby when she is sick, mind you I shouldn't really complain..after all she is a baby! But still....COME ON! She is waking up at 3:30 every morning and crying....I let her....she just wants me to hold her, But she is sneaky...soon she'll take over my bed...and I'll be on the couch then she'll want to be with me there....and then I am downstairs...well you get the Idea! I was making cookies and it seemed oftly quiet and I looked over and she passed out. How great! and she slept for 2 hours...that's right people...two hole hours!!
That was great...except then I had to play x-box with Layton...I killed his accident...and he yelled at me and told me to give the controller back and he would do it himself cause I wasn't very good.....all I had to say to that was FINE!! and I stuck out my tongue....which he then told me to go to my room and have a time out....SO I DID!! lol..


Dick Family said...

ha ha...did you enjoy your time out? I think you should have had a nap...then see what they think! ha ha

Kate said...

lol. That is so funny! That is so Layton! I love the focus on his face.