Monday, September 14, 2009

Garden goodness!

We planted some squash this spring and although they start off small and insignificant they quickly grew and took over the garden. But they are really yummy! We ate just half of this with butter salt and pepper and fresh garden tomatoes.... Oh so yummy.


Layton found some quilt batting and wanted me to make him a teddy bear. So since we had the stuff and Lindsay was leaving (a sad time for us all) I buckled and made him one. He loves it though! I think it turned out okay... for just taking scraps and sewing together to make somthing cute...RIGHT!?!?! ha ha


His name is Teddy and that is a "T" hand stiched on his chest!! I know we are so original!! Next thing you know we will invent the wheel!
Potty training status report: Tana pooped on the floor.... but peed in the toilet~

1 comment:

Dick Family said...

Awesome squash! We had some the other night with brown sugar, cinamon and butter, baked in the oven - SOOOO tasty! nice teddy! It's cute!