Wednesday, March 19, 2008


The house hasn`t completely sold yet....... but only after 2 days on the market we sold for more than our asking price! Thanks for all the prayers!! We also have had to leave our house so often, I feel like I am living in someone elses house. Persistantly, that person is expecting us to leave when ever they feels it necessary. Although the kids love the sled, so we hop in it and go for a ride and luckily the weather has been so co-operative! I am excited to have all of it go through tomorrow and that we are able to go buy a new one! Mainly I am excited to go to Edmonton and visit my only niece that I havn`t had a chance to meet yet! Soon she shall be spoiled with all the affection I can muster up!! Get ready for the squeezfest of a life time Aidan!! Only 12 more days!

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