Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Lindsay is gone to cornwall and I am in regina. We are going to be reunited again tomorrow. Oh how I can't wait. I miss MY man. Who ever said that absence makes the heart grow fonder is SOOOOO right. It makes us forget what little imperfections they have, It makes us forget all the bad times we went through, It makes us forget everything in the world except the love we have for that person. I LOVE MY man!
He completes me.
He is the ying to my yang.
He is the itunes to my ipod,
He is The Jack to my Jill! Seriously....

Found this on Mom and Dads computer. Thought I would share.... P.S. I was 3 months preggo with Layton at the time!!


Dick Family said...


Kate said...

That's so funny! I remember that. I missed your call today, we just got back. If you are still up you can phone.