Friday, January 15, 2010

I know... I know!

Okay So I suck at the blogging thing lately... but if it makes you feel any better, My house is clean almost all the time... It is kind of a trade off for me! lol But anywho...

We went to the torch today and let me tell you ... it was WAY bigger than I thought! the flame is like at least 3 ft in the air and the actual stick thingy... is probably 3 ft too... well I guess it kind of has to be now that I think about it cause otherwise we would have a lot of burn victim torch runners! ha ha.

Layton had a break down because we didn't get a flag. But he did get a limited edition coke bottle. With coke in it.... you all know how I feel about Coke... But on this occasion I am going to let him drink the black death, the potty cleaner, the stomach turner... the... well you get the idea. I am really hoping he doesn't like it! lol...

Here is a picture of the torch runner.


I think it was a bank manager. Not sure though, he had a hard time running the 10 or so blocks by the time he got to us (near the end of his little jont) he was walking, which made for good pictures! We got to see the exchange of flames too! that was neat. Although no pics because of the 50 or so people around him and the girl that took over the next part!

Here is Layton with his coke bottle... Maybe he'll be the next torch runner... heave knows he could run the whole especially if he had a coke to drink before! lol


well that is all for now! Take care out there and we'll chat soon...
The Smiths...

Oh did you take a good look at the torch and where it ended up being on the van behind....
Pretty awesome huh!

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