I have been feeling soooo unmotivated lately. That is until yesturday... I am blaming it on hormones and no I am not prego. Nor do I plan to be! I have been just well for lack of better words... LOST.
So I have decided that in order to not be lost one has to have a direction to go. A destination if you will. I have officiall set some goals.... They may need to be revised some but still I think I am at least headed in the right direction now... At least for now.
Goal one...
Be Happy.
Goal two...
Be Busy.
Goal three.
Get a style with my photography and stick with it.
Goal four....
Be ME.
Thats it for now I am going to blog once a week about somthing I did towards one of the goals. there are 4 weeks in a month so I can work on one goal a week. That is the plan.
Here is layton blowing out his candles..... 5 can you believe...